Bandit Queen Press
announces the release of GOOD WORKS
A paperback collection of novel excerpts, short stories, memoirs, poems, song lyrics, original sketches, paintings and photographs by English-speaking women living in Denmark. www.banditqueenpress.com
“Refreshingly varied, yet with a common thread….10 women, all accomplished writers, celebrate in 10 individual voices the expatriate experience – in prose, poetry, images and song. A valuable, and enjoyable, addition to the literature of displacement and assimilation.”
Heather Spears, award-winning Canadian poet
“To leave one’s home country can be an exhilarating and even frightening adventure that cries out for expression. Good Works puts words to the expatriate experience in all its frustrations and all its exhilarations.”
Thomas E. Kennedy, author of The Copenhagen Quartet; Advisory Editor, The Literary Review
“Compelling writing; a refreshing collection … leaves a wonderful taste on the literary palate”.
Lennox Raphael, journalist, poet and playwright.
At 6:30 PM on October 8, 2009
will be released at a reception and book signing in Østerbro.
For an invitation to the event or review copy:
contact Lesley-Ann Brown, publisher banditqueenpress[at]banditqueenpress.com
Participating authors are:
Serena Rose Blossom
Anna Lia Bright
Lesley-Ann Brown
Colleen Calhoun
Diana Deverell
Linda Horowitz
Elaine Nielsen
Velda Metelmann
Clarice Scott
Aline Talatinian
The release of GOOD WORKS coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the American Women’s Club in Denmark, a non-profit organization that provides social support to its members living permanently or temporarily in Denmark and promotes mutual understanding between the USA and Denmark. For nearly two decades, the American Women’s Club has sponsored a group for writers who wish to hone their craft in English. Publication of this anthology by women from a half-dozen countries around the world, is made possible by a cultural award from the club and personal contributions.
Bandit Queen Press
Bekendtgør udgivelsen af GOOD WORKS
En paperback samling af roman-uddrag, fortællinger, memoirer, digte, sang-tekster, originale skitser, malerier og fotografier ved engelsksprogede kvinder bosat i Danmark. www.banditqueenpress.com
“Refreshingly varied, yet with a common thread….10 women, all accomplished writers, celebrate in 10 individual voices the expatriate experience – in prose, poetry, images and song. A valuable, and enjoyable, addition to the literature of displacement and assimilation.”
Heather Spears, award-winning Canadian poet
“To leave one’s home country can be an exhilarating and even frightening adventure that cries out for expression. Good Works puts words to the expatriate experience in all its frustrations and all its exhilarations.”
Thomas E. Kennedy, author of The Copenhagen Quartet; Advisory Editor, The Literary Review
“Compelling writing; a refreshing collection … leaves a wonderful taste on the literary palate”.
Lennox Raphael, journalist, poet and playwright.
klokken 18:30 den 8. Oktober 2009 vil
blive præsenteret ved en reception og bogsignering på Østerbro.
For at få en invitation til receptionen eller et anmelder-eksemplar:
kontakt Lesley-Ann Brown, udgiver banditqueenpress[at]banditqueenpress.com
Med i bogen er:
Serena Rose Blossom
Anna Lia Bright
Lesley-Ann Brown
Colleen Calhoun
Diana Deverell
Linda Horowitz
Elaine Nielsen
Velda Metelmann
Clarice Scott
Aline Talatinian
Udgivelsen af GOOD WORKS falder sammen med 75års-dagen for oprettelsen af American Women’s Club i Denmark, en almennyttig organisation, der tilbyder socialt samvær og støtte til sine medlemmer, hvad enten de de bor permanent eller midlertidigt i Danmark, og som arbejder på at fremme den almindelige forståelse mellem USA og Danmark. I næsten to årtier har American Women’s Club sponsoreret en gruppe forfattere, som ønsker at forfine deres metier gennem det engelske sprog. Udgivelsen af denne antologi af kvinder fra et halvt dusin lande verden over blev gjort mulig ved tildeling af en kulturpris fra klubben og gennem personlige bidrag.