

  Petals Pretty pink petals Pitter patter Without pittance Pretty much proving That pangs of prittle Probably pray To prodding prattles

2017-03-22T22:53:09+01:00November 9th, 2011|

#Trust30 by The Domino Project

I committed to the challenge of writing or creating something for the next 30 days on the Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance #Trsut30 project initiated be The Domino Project. I will probably do some of it offline, as I will have trouble getting online for 15 of the 30 days.The first prompt is by Gwen Bell: You discover that you have 15 minutes left to live,

2016-12-05T20:37:47+01:00May 31st, 2011|

One and the same

AtomsMillions of themIn clustersOut of clustersDartingReachingMinglingPulsatingFilling spaceFilling timeEverywhereAll at onceIt's youIt's meThe same.

2008-02-29T20:19:00+01:00February 29th, 2008|
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